Creating a New Story: Narrative Approach in Lifelong Education


Our  passion lies in being an integral part of projects that not only captivate our interest but also contribute to a more fulfilling world.

We are committed to initiatives that go beyond the ordinary, focusing on experiences that leave a lasting impact and raise awareness on important societal issues. We are excited to dedicate our efforts towards promoting lifelong education, fostering inclusion, and aiding individuals in embarking on new life chapters. Lifelong education is a cornerstone of personal and societal growth, and we believe in championing this cause to empower people at every stage of their lives. Inclusivity is at the heart of our mission, as we strive to create opportunities for individuals regardless of their profile, experience, or cultural background. We firmly believe that everyone deserves a chance to start new life chapters, and our commitment to this belief drives our involvement in projects that facilitate positive change.

Within EU project “Creating a New Story:Narrative Approach in Lifelong Education”.